Wednesday, January 6, 2021

King Dasaratha

King Dasharatha had three queens as per the custom
prevailing those days. The eldest queen Kaushalya
was a religious minded.good natured and kind woman.
The second queen Sumitra was simple and
peace loving . The third queen Kaikeyee was
very beautiful and intelligent
King Dasharatha loved all of them equally. Though he had
everything, he was not happy because he had no son. To beget a
son, King Dasharatha organised a yajna under the guidance of
Guru Vashishtha. Pleased with the yajna, Lord Vishnu
appeared. The king begged him for a son saying, "Kindly take
birth as my son."Lord Vishnu agreed to answer his prayer.
At that moment, a divine being came out of the altar of the yajna
with a pot of kheer cooked in sweetened milk. He offered it to
the king and said, “Give this kheer to all the three queens. Soon
they will be blessed with sons. Your house will be filled with the
cries of new born babies."
The king took the pot of kheer from
the divine being and bowed to
thank him. Now, the king was very happy. 
He was sure of the birth of children
in the palace. So he asked GuruVashishtha to
permit him to distribute the kheer among the queens.
 Guru Vashishtha said,
“Yes, King Dasharatha, go ahead. May god bless you."
Then the king went to his palace. He divided the kheer into three
equal shares. First he went to the eldest queen Kaushalya and
said, "This kheer is offering of the god. Kindly take it."
Kaushalya took the kheer and ate it.
Then he went to Sumitra and gave her share of the kheer to her.
Sumitra ate the kheer with great love.
Thereafter, the king went to the youngest queen Kaikeyee and
gave her share of kheer. Kaikeyee ate most of the part of her
share of kheer but left a little. So, the king went to Sumitra and
gave the rest of the share to her. Sumitra ate it again.
This way all the queens ate the kheer and awaited good news.
ver since the queens became pregnant, King Dasharatha took
reat care of them. He appointed a number of attendants and
ervants to look after them. The king, the queens as well as the
People of Ayodhya were waiting for the birth of the princes very
nxiously. Besides them, the gods, the sages and hermits were
AIso waiting for the birth of Lord Vishnu on the earth. In fact,
verybody was eager to see the incarnation of Lord Vishnu on
Earth! the long wait came to an end. On the ninth day of the
nonth of Chaitra, Lord Vishnu incarnated as the son of
Caushalya. As Sumitra took the kheer twice she gave birth to
wo princes and Kaikeyee gave birth to one.
The incarnation of Lord Vishnu on Earth made the gods very
appy. Now the sages and hermits were feeling secure. The
King, queens and the people of Ayodhya, all were very happy.

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ଜୟୀ ରାଜଗୁରୁ (Freedom fighter)

ଜୟୀରାଜଗୁରୁ : ଇଂରେଜମାନେ ଭାରତକୁ ବାଣିଜ୍ୟ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଆସି ଧୀରେ ଧୀରେ ରାଜନୈତିକ ବ୍ୟାପାରରେ ପ୍ରବେଶ କଲେ। ସେମାନେ ଗୋଟିକ ପରେ ଗୋଟିଏ ରାଜ୍ୟ ତାଙ୍କ ସାମ୍ରାଜ୍ୟର...